Every step counts. That’s the challenge all about. One fine monday morning when I go to office, I see some of the office mates wearing a small black coloured device. I hear they are doing something to keep themselves fit. ‘Not bad’ is what I tell myself.
After a while, Sananda (one of my team mate) comes to my desk and tells me that she has already taken 2300 steps in the day. I ask her what is she supposed to do and she explains to me that the challenge is about taking 10,000 steps in a day and doing it rigorously for 100 days. It is about teaching yourself a healthy lifestyle. She had signed up for the challenge by paying a nominal amount which has given her 2 devices and access to a free app. The app apparently tells you how much steps you should take per day if you want to get into your desired shape (actually weight).
She was too excited about the whole thing and said that she has an additional device and that I should start counting steps too. I was a little apprehensive in the beginning but wanted to challenge myself to something. It has been a while I have challenged myself for anything. Guess that’s why haven’t done much in the recent times.
First evening, I come back and tell Superpartner, “10k looks amazingly tough. Don’t think I’m going to make it any day”. Next day, I ponder over the thought. 2 steps would be a meter, isn’t it? Then what does 1 km make to. It is roughly 2000 steps and can I not walk 5 kms in a day? I sure can.
Well, so that’s the zeal. Walk for a healthy living. People say, ‘A thing done consistently for 21 days becomes a habit’. Looking forward to making this a good habit.
Thanks for reading. Have a good day.