This is the long story said short. This is the rule of rules. This is the beginning of everything and the end too. This is the mantra of life – We all like to be loved. We want to hear about ourselves in someone else’s writing, speech, thoughts, etc. Why is this so important I wonder? Is there a crisis that people lounge for it so much?
I think people in general are emotional. And most of them can’t express or define their emotions so correctly. That’s where the problem is. But the problem doesn’t end there. The bigger problem is that if the reciprocation happens after you ask for it, it doesn’t feel that it should have felt in the first place.
Love is like that compulsory cereal we have every morning. It is like that necessary sleeping pill for a peaceful 7-hour sleep. Why do you think some people like living with Dogs? Because they are infinitely loyal creatures and love you so much. You are not just their masters, you are their world. You come home from a bad day and they are waiting for you with eyes wide open. They are ready to hug you. They don’t have food when you leave them for 2 days at a neighbour’s house. You definitely don’t want them to starve (that’s not the slightest intention). But the fact that someone is doing that, makes you go mesmerized. The irony of life is that, ‘no matter how large the world is, you want to be felt like that world for a few people’. With love, most of the problems in life are solved.
Another strange thing about love is that it is to be felt. It never works on the basic of assumptions or hypothesis. As one of my friend states, ‘If it is love, it is to be seen in actions’. Thinking or wondering that the other person loves you doesn’t last long. It invariably, in a sad state or if lucky happy comes to an end.
But the best thing about love is that it comes in many different forms. It is from a simple line as ‘Are you feeling okay?’ to taking out that small photograph from one’s wallet and showing that it is you (well, if you take out someone else’s, you have made a disaster there).
When my sister says, ‘Didaaaa, we are meeting soon’, my heart races and the RBC’s multiply (Someday one should check my counts before and after the happenings of such events). It feels inhaling the oxygenated air that is filling up my lungs enough to live for an additional 2 weeks of life.
What do you think people who serve the needy and the poor do? Most of them are not rich. They are neither the strongest or the most powerful. They essentially spread love. This word, however cheesy it may sound in some contexts but is “the” elixir of life.
You see that some people in life are more attractive than others and when you take a step closer to understand them, you see that they look to be so ordinary in all the aspects of life. The only differentiator is how they interact with people. Their words are polite and kind (that doesn’t mean they are always agreeing to your points) and if not helpful, they are trying to be helpful.
Happiness is an outcome of love. I have observed that there are people who might not be very well to do but are extremely happy. The cook who comes to help me every morning is one of the cheerful souls I have met. She lives in one 100 sqft. room and cooks under the sky. But I’m sure she derives that love from somewhere and is not shy to spread it around. And that’s the ideal thing to do. Spread it. Love, very strangely multiplies and comes back.
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